详情介绍:F1DC108H 19寸宽屏 架控制台
Belkin 19英寸宽屏机架控制台提供了一个创新的新设计,简化了您的IT职责在每一个回合。通常繁琐的安装过程已经简化为一个人的轻松工作——只需将其滑动进去,就完成了。Belkin 19英寸宽屏机架控制台比以往任何时候都更轻、更薄,并提供简化的部署、即时访问和降低能源消耗。超薄的19英寸宽屏显示屏,您将享受更舒适的观看区域,同时节省宝贵的机架空间。Belkin 19英寸宽屏机架
Belkin 19英寸宽屏机架控制台可帮助IT管理员查看更多内容并执行更多操作,从而提高效率和生产力。其高分辨率LCD提供了一个清晰,宽的观看区域,非常适合同时执行多项任务,包括:
服务器机房的壁橱往往空间有限,这就是为什么我们的机架式控制台解决方案比以往任何时候都更轻、更薄、更集成。Belkin 19英寸宽屏机架控制台可在1U机架内容纳键盘、触摸板、显示器和KVM开关,为您的其他IT设备节省宝贵的机架空间。
你可以相信Belkin可以帮助你更快更简单地完成工作。Belkin 19英寸宽屏机架式控制台与其他机架式控制台相比,安装只需花费一小部分时间和精力,这要归功于无螺钉导轨设计、可调节导轨以及更轻、更薄的结构等无障碍创新。它还兼容多种机柜和系统配置,并且不需要支架配置。
The Belkin 19-inch Widescreen Rack Console offers an innovative new design that simplifies your IT duties at every turn. The often-cumbersome installation process has been reduced to a hassle-free, one-person job—simply slide it in, and you’re done. Belkin 19-inch Widescreen Rack Consoles are lighter and slimmer than ever before, and deliver simplified deployment, instant access, and reduced energy usage. And with the ultra-slim 19-inch widescreen display, you’ll enjoy a more comfortable viewing area while saving valuable rack space. Belkin 19-inch Widescreen Rack
Consoles are just another way Belkin enables you to successfully simplify your IT responsibilities.
The Belkin 19-inch Widescreen Rack Console helps IT administrators view more and do more, improving efficiency and productivity. Its high-resolution LCD provides a clear, wide viewing area ideal for performing several tasks simultaneously, including:
• Viewing multiple applications at once
• Servicing multiple virtual servers
• Viewing multiple documents side by side
• Using applications that require a larger viewing space
Server room closets tend to be limited on space—that’s why our newest rackmount console solution is lighter, slimmer, and more integrated than ever before. Belkin 19-inch Widescreen Rack Consoles accommodate your keyboard, touchpad, monitor, and KVM switch within a 1U rack, saving you valuable rack space for your other IT equipment.
You can trust Belkin to help you get your job done—faster and simpler. Belkin 19-inch Widescreen Rack Consoles install in a fraction of the time and effort as other rackmount consoles, thanks to hassle-free innovations such as screwless rail design, adjustable rails, and a lighter, slimmer build. It’s also compatible with multiple cabinet and system configurations, and does not require a bracket configuration.
热卖型号:F1DC108H 19寸宽屏 架控制台
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