吉时利5位半6517B静电计/高阻表提供的精 度和灵敏度指标高于其他同类型仪表。它还具有 完备的功能,使测量高阻和绝缘材料电阻率变得 简单。6517B具有425读数/秒的测试速率,比同 类型的静电计快很多,可以提供快速、简易的弱 电流测量能力测量弱电流。
电阻测量可达1016 Ω
电流测量范围1fA - 20mA
200TΩ 输入阻抗
<3fA 偏置电流
测试速率高达425 rdgs/s
噪声0.75fA p-p
半机架型6517B静电计/高阻表具有特殊的低 电流输入放大器,其输入偏置电流<3fA,噪声仅 0.75fA p-p (峰-峰) ,输入端压降<20μV。对于 接近理想的电路负载,其电压和电阻测量的输入 阻抗是200TΩ。这些性能指标确保物理、光学、纳米技术和材料科学等研究领域低电流和高阻抗电压、电阻和电荷测量所需的准确 度和灵敏度。内置±1kV的电压源具有扫描能力,从而简化漏流测试、击穿电压测试 和电阻测试,以及绝缘材料的体电阻率(Ω-cm) 及表面电阻率(Ω/square) 的测量。
• 电流测量范围:1fA - 20mA
• 电压测量范围:10μV - 200V
• 电阻测量范围:50Ω - 1016Ω
• 电荷测量范围:10fC - 2μC
许多测试应用要求测量高级别材料的电阻率(面电阻率和体电阻率)。传统测 量方法是对样本施加足够高的电压,测量流经样本的电流,然后利用欧姆定律(R=V /I)计算其电阻。虽然高阻材料和器件产生很小的电流,很难准确进行测量,但利用 吉时利静电计和皮安计则可以成功地进行这种测量。
即使利用高精度仪器,材料中固有的背景电流使得进行准确测量较为 困难。由于压电效应、电容效应和偏振效应,绝缘材料、聚合物和塑料通 常都显示出背景电流。这些背景电流一般等于或大于施加电压产生的电流。 在这些情况下,其测量结果往往是不稳定的,生成不准确的电阻或电阻率 读数甚至错误的负值。吉时利6517B型静电计/高阻表旨在解决这些问题, 并为各种材料和元件提供一致、可重复和精准的测量,特别是与8009型电 阻测试夹具一起使用时。
The 6430 sub-fa programmed source meter integrates the voltage and current sources and measuring functions of the gishli source meter and the source measurement unit (SMU) products, with higher sensitivity, lower noise and higher input impedance than the electrometer. This unique performance is achieved with the 6430 remote preamplifier, which provides a very sensitive bidirectional amplifier for measuring or producing the current of the device under test. The high level signal from the remote preamplifier is sent to the control unit via a 2 m long cable. This allows the user to connect directly, or closely, to the signal, reducing the impact of cable noise.
Main features:
0.4fA p-p (4e-16a) noise
The remote preamplifier can be located at the source to reduce cable noise
> 1016 Ω input impedance voltage measurements
High speed -- up to 2000 readings per second
The resolution is 6 and a half bits
Fast component feature analysis with programmable digital I/O and interface
Measure the voltage, current, and resistance at a speed that the electrometer cannot reach. It can read up to 2000 source/measurement readings per second and read them into internal memory. It can measure fast and small current. The 100nA range can respond to the signal as short as 5ms, while the larger range can respond to the signal of several hundred microseconds.
The unique features of the 6430 include its excellent low current sensitivity and remote preamplifier, which provides sensitivity by avoiding long input cables. The remote preamplifier is the main part of the 6430 feedback measurement system. Although it can be separated from the main machine by a connection cable of up to 2 meters with a high level signal, it cannot work independently of the main machine.
The functions of the 6430 make it equally suitable for research work in test laboratories and evaluation of complex components, as well as for combining other source measuring instruments or smus for low current, high resistance or high sensitivity semi-conductor measurements at high levels. The low noise and drift properties of 6430 are also suitable for the study of high resistivity nanowires and other high resistivity nanomaterials.
High speed data processing
6430 can read to its memory buffer at over 2000 readouts per second. The ieee-488 bus output can send up to 75 source/measurement readings per second to the external computer controller, including through/failure indication.